Watch Around Water (WAW)

Watch Around Water (WAW) is a campaign educating the public about active supervision, and encouraging parents / guardians to take on the responsibility of this role while visiting aquatic facilities.

The campaign aims to reduce the number of fatal and non-fatal drowning incidents and associated injuries in public aquatic facilities in Victoria within the 0-14 year age group.

NARC WAW policy

20 seconds is all it takes.

20 seconds is all it takes for a toddler to drown. Never take your eyes off children around water.

Watch Around Water FAQs

Watch Around Water (WAW) is a campaign educating the public about active supervision and encouraging parents / guardians to take on the responsibility of this role while visiting aquatic facilities.

It is currently implemented in over 160 pools throughout Victoria, including a number of metropolitan, regional and seasonal facilities.

There are two key supervision guidelines: one for children under 5 (0-4 years), and those under 10 (5-9 years).

  • Under 5: Children must be constantly supervised and to remain within arm’s reach of a parent or guardian. (If the child is in the water, the parent or guardian must be in the water too).
  • Under 10: Children must be accompanied into the facility and constantly supervised by a parent / guardian. The parent / guardian must have clear, constant and direct access to the child at all times.

It is not only about swimming ability, it is also a safety issue. If a child gets hurt, a parent or guardian within close vicinity can act on the incident immediately, thereby preventing any further complications. It is very easy for young children who are good swimmers to get out of their depth or become tired, making it difficult for them to get back to the edge and often causing children to panic.

See above. This has become a condition of entry. If you do not comply with the conditions of entry you are welcome to go to reception for a refund on your entry fee.

No. It is important to remember that active supervision is about constantly watching and always having a clear view of your child. Remember, it only takes 20 seconds for a child to drown, so an incident may easily occur during a short lapse in supervision.

As stated previously, it is important to remember that active supervision is about constantly watching and always having a clear view of your child. Remember, it only takes 20 seconds for a child to drown, so an incident may easily occur during a short lapse in supervision.

No. It is a framework and set of guidelines as well as a condition of entry.

Yes, the guidelines for Watch Around Water still apply at Northcote Aquatic & Recreation Centre even while your child is participating in a swimming lesson.

For children under the age of 10 years, a parent/guardian is to remain within the pool hall and be available as required for the duration of the child’s lesson. This will assist with the timely provision of any poolside assistance.

For the safety of your child, a hand over of students between Parent /Guardian and Teacher occurs promptly at the start and end of each lesson. Students under the age of 10 will not be released from a class unless the parent/guardian is present to take over direct supervision of the child.

Parent/Guardians must actively supervise their children in the water in line with the Centre’s “Watch Around Water” safety program.

Children under 5 – must be fully supervised and remain within arm’s reach of an adult/guardian (16 years or older) and wear a yellow wristband provided by staff (excluding whilst in swimming lessons).

Children 5-9 – must be accompanied into the facility and constantly supervised by a parent/guardian (16 years or older) and wear a wristband provided by staff (including whilst in swimming lessons).

Children who are not supervised will be removed from the water.

Management reserves the right to terminate or suspend your membership for not complying with any of the terms and conditions listed.

Online WAW training for parent/guardians

Complete LSV’s online learning module for Watch Around Water (WAW).